08 April 2016

Weekly Friday| Highlight of the week, Favorite Quote and Recommendation

Weekly Friday my new weekly series where I share one highlight of the week, the quote that inspired me, and one recommendation.

Highlight of my week: this week I've been invited to a Nutrition presentation where they talked about what we should eat and why we should eat it, in order to have a proper and healthy nutrition. This was really interesting because I am passionate about healthy living, and I always want to learn something new about this topic.
Favorite Quote:

 I find this quote very inspiring. We are all guilty of waiting for something, or someone,  we think it will make us feel better and happier. And the funny thing is,that thing may never ever come. Instead of wasting our time with waiting,  we should start and appreciate what we already have, be happy with our current situation, be content with NOW. Waiting for something is a viscious circle that will never end,  we will always wait for a change, a better job, a feeling or a person, who or what will be the last piece of the puzzle to make us happy, but by then another piece will gone missing.
Recommendation: I recommend you to try meditation. We tend to focus more on the health of our body by doing sports and eating healthy but we should focus on the well being of our minds just as much if not more. Meditation is a great way to relax and get connected to your body, mind and soul.It helps you stay focused, and to look at life in a more positive way. I like to meditate while listening to a guided meditation session, with the help of some apps. Sometimes I meditate for just 10 minutes, sometimes for even longer, depends when I do it, and how much time I have to meditate.

Share your highlight of the week with me, like and share this post! Also check out my Instagram : @beautyonhighheels

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